• The View from the Nook

    The Two Headed Dog, Orthrus.

    My earliest recollections of reading Fantasy-type literature is that of ancient myths and legends, particularly the legends of Ancient Greece. Even then, the basic myths, the common stories found in collections and kids books were pretty wild, the Minotaur, Medusa,…

  • The View from the Nook

    Two Minutes to NYC Midnight.

    The glamour, the fortune, the pain. Let’s talk NYC. Everyone loves NYC, don’t they. But this NYC is NYCMidnight. The website that offers ‘Inspiring challenges for storytellers.’ Challenges are posted through the year and include Short Story, Screenwriting, Microfiction 100…

  • Sagas & Snippets

    Darkness Rising.

    (renamed from The Demons Within) The Maingard Chronicles Book 1 In a fantasy land, a land of swords and magic, a young woman, Bex – a sword for hire and thief – and her newly found symbiotic ‘demon’, Ishtara, stand…

  • The View from the Nook


    A long time ago, in a land far, far away, I was introduced to a whole universe of magical worlds, the creation of countless authors and scribes throughout the years. After wasted years of pondering and procrastinating, I am aiming…